Как профессионал новичку, можете подсказать пожалуйста, стоит ли всё из нижеперечисленного исправлять или на некоторые вещи обращать внимание не стоит? На сервере 1гБ ОЗУ 2 ядра, не VPS 2 тестовых сайта которые открыты только для моего IP, если это важно. Ниже ошибки и рекоммендации. Буду благодарен за вашу неоценимую помощь)
Код: Выделить всё
[!!] Maximum possible memory usage: 870.8M (94.63% of installed RAM)
[!!] Overall possible memory usage with other process exceeded memory
[!!] name resolution is active : a reverse name resolution is made for each new
[!!] Query cache may be disabled by default due to mutex contention.
[!!] Query cache efficiency: 0.0% (0 cached / 27K selects)
[!!] Key buffer used: 37.0% (3M used / 8M cache)
[!!] Write Key buffer hit rate: 0.0% (2M cached / 20 writes)
[!!] Ratio InnoDB log file size / InnoDB Buffer pool size (37.5 %): 48.0M * 2/25 6.0M should be equal 25%
[!!] InnoDB buffer pool <= 1G and Innodb_buffer_pool_instances(!=1).
[!!] InnoDB Write Log efficiency: 0% (4 hits/ 0 total)
-------- Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
General recommendations:
Control warning line(s) into /var/log/mysqld.log file
Control error line(s) into /var/log/mysqld.log file
Remove Anonymous User accounts - there are 1 anonymous accounts.
Set up a Password for user with the following SQL statement ( SET PASSWORD F OR 'user'@'SpecificDNSorIp' = PASSWORD('secure_password'); )
Set up a Secure Password for user@host ( SET PASSWORD FOR 'user'@'SpecificDN SorIp' = PASSWORD('secure_password'); )
Reduce your overall MySQL memory footprint for system stability
Dedicate this server to your database for highest performance.
Configure your accounts with ip or subnets only, then update your configurat ion with skip-name-resolve=1
Consider installing Sys schema from https://github.com/mysql/mysql-sys
Before changing innodb_log_file_size and/or innodb_log_files_in_group read t his: https://bit.ly/2TcGgtU
Variables to adjust:
*** MySQL's maximum memory usage is dangerously high ***
*** Add RAM before increasing MySQL buffer variables ***
long_query_time (<= 10)
query_cache_size (=0)
query_cache_type (=0)
query_cache_limit (> 1M, or use smaller result sets)
innodb_log_file_size should be (=32M) if possible, so InnoDB total log files size equals to 25% of buffer pool size.
innodb_buffer_pool_instances (=1)